Recently, I have been reading up on Scrum and i read Agile Software Development With Scrum by Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle. I thought I would post my notes from reading that book over here.Scrum Master - responsible for success of scrum Product backlog - evolving, prioritized queue of busin...
Agile software development with Scrum and IS/IEC software quality standardsNael, Margus
Agile software development with scrum:使用Scrum过程 The purpose of this dissertation was to explore critical issues and challenges that might arise in agile software development processes with Scrum. It also... KenSchwaber,MikeBeedle,Schwaber,... - Agile software development with scrum:使用Scrum过程 ...
Agile software development with Scrumis distinguished from other Agile frameworks and processes by the specific concepts and practices, divided into the three categories of Roles, Artifacts, and Time Boxes. Another key quality of Scrum is the introduction of the rolesScrum MasterandProduct Ownerwho or...
2001年 Ken Schwaber和Mike Cohn 合著《Agile Software Development with Scrum》,在书中详细介绍了Scrum方法 2002年 Ken Schwaber和Mike Cohn共同创办了Scrum联盟, 开始发布Scrum Master认证体系及其衍生产品 2010年 Jeff Sutherland和Ken Schwaber发布《Scrum指南》,随后对其逐步更新,建立了全球认可的Scrum知识体系。最后...
Agile software development with SCRUM invited talkKurtz, JánosNagy, Paul
Scrumisalightweightprocessframeworkforagiledevelopment.AScrumprocessisdistinguishedfromotheragileprocessesby:--Specificconceptsandpractices,--ThreecategoriesofRoles,Artifacts,andTimeBoxes.EmersonConfidential 3 TheAgileManifesto Individualsandinteractions over Processandtools WorkingSoftware over Comprehensivedocumentation Cus...
Agile Software Development With Scrum I 短评 >Agile Software Development With Scrum I 作者:Ken Schwaber isbn:0132074893 书名:Agile Software Development With Scrum I 页数:158 定价:$ 89.55 出版社:Pearson Academic 装帧:Paperback 出版年:2008
Highly Synchronous:The team members coordinate with each other on a daily basis and are always on the same page. Scrum Out of the various methodologies to implement Agile, the Scrum is most preferred and widely used. This methodology for software development involves a self-organizing team that ...
Scrum Meetings ① Sprint 计划会议(Sprint Planning Meeting) 需求澄清,确定那些用户故事需要在接下来的迭代里完成 根据Product Owner制定的产品或项目计划在Sprint的开始时做准备工作。 他要准备一个根据商业价值排好序的客户需求列表。这个列表就是Prodct Backlog[需求池],一个最终会交付给客户的产品特性列表,它们根据...