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Learn about the Agile software development lifecycle, and how to define Agile processes and workflows.
Manifesto for Agile Software Development We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over ...
☆ Working software is the primary measure of progress. ☆ Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sp***ors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a c***tant pace indefinitely. ☆ Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. ☆ Simplicity-...
Methods & Tools is a free Software Development Magazine for software developers, software testers and project managers UML & Software Architecture Tools Find a list of the list of the open source and commercial Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Software Architecture tools that can be used to cre...
对“敏捷开发”(Agile Software Development)这个词,我是在这学期邹欣老师《现代程序设计》课上第一次听到的,刚听到时并不知道其具体指什么,只是从字面上直觉其意思应该是快速开发之类的。这次从Agile Guide、The New Methodology以及其他一些中文资料上较为详细地了解了敏捷开发方法及其与传统开发方法相比的优势所在,收...
7.Working software is the primary measure of progress. 比起传统软件工程不好计量工作进度的特点,敏捷开发由于能够在不同的开发阶段实现新的功能,因此更容易计量,在进度能够量化的体系中,员工的效率更容易保持在一个较高的水平。 8.Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and ...
敏捷软件开发 Agile software Development 敏捷开发是一种软件开发方法,基于迭代和增量开发,通过自组织,跨团队,沟通协作完成开发工作。 敏捷宣言的诞生: 2001年2月11日到13日,17位软件开发领域的领军人物聚集在美国犹他州的滑雪胜地雪鸟(Snowbird)雪场。经过两天的讨论,“敏捷”(Agile)这个词为全体聚会者所接受,用以...
Outcome-Driven Development. At Any Scale. We’re an innovation and engineering firm that solves complex challenges for the world’s most admired companies. Learn More Fast & Reliable, We Get It Done. From concept and engineering, to launch and support, we build it fast and right, the first...
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