The last step of the Agile Scrum method is a retrospective meeting. In this meeting, the team discusses the parts of their process which need improvements. Read also: How to Choose the Best Software Development Model for Your Business Kanban Method Kanban is also a popular method among devel...
Information technology Process subversion in Agile Scrum software development| A phenomenological approach CAPELLA UNIVERSITY Richard Livingood MaloneMichael WThis qualitative study examined the ways in which process subversion, defined as any attempt, conscious or unconscious, to work around, ignore, or ...
1993年 Jeff Sutherland首次在Easel公司定义了用于软件开发行业的流程并开始实施。 1995年 Jeff Sutherland & Ken Schwaber梳理规范了Scrum框架,并发表“Scrum Software Development Process”, 在美国得克萨斯州奥斯汀举行的OOPSLA会议上完整介绍了这个框架。 2001年 Ken Schwaber和Mike Cohn 合著《Agile Software Development...
scrum master在回顾会议中不允许给出答案,但要鼓励成员自己找到较好的办法(The scrum master is not in this meeting to provide answers, but to facilitate the team’s search for better ways for the scrum process to work for it)。 这些改进工作可以添加至下个迭代中,作为一个非功能性工作,回顾会议最不...
Scrum 是使用最为广泛的一种Agile方法论,Methodology。如果Agile是价值观,Scrum就是方法论。 Scrum通常用三三五五归纳 三个角色:Product Owner,Development Team,Scrum Master。Scrum Master是一个船长,机长的角色,保证开发按照Scrum的方法进行。 三个产出:Product Backlog,Sprint Backlog,Work Dliverable Software ...
Scrum 是使用最为广泛的一种Agile方法论,Methodology。如果Agile是价值观,Scrum就是方法论。 Scrum通常用三三五五归纳 三个角色:Product Owner,Development Team,Scrum Master。Scrum Master是一个船长,机长的角色,保证开发按照Scrum的方法进行。 三个产出:Product Backlog,Sprint Backlog,Work Dliverable Software ...
Discover the core elements and advantages of Agile Software Development, including key strategies like Scrum and Kanban, and how they enhance team productivity.
Ace Infoway offers Customer-centric Project Management. Get the implemented perfect method of Agile Software Development with Scrum Team.