Some of our impactful project deliveries which has helped our clients deliver differentiating solutions at scale Explore our Work We provide three business friendly engagement model to choose from viz. Fixed Price, Dedicated Hiring & Time & Material. ...
Agile是一种软件开发的理念,是对Software Development的价值观。不是所有Project都应该使用Agile。Agile只是对现在商业模式急速变化,商机稍纵即逝,软件开发相对应用于降低风险,快速体现价值的方法。 二、什么是敏捷开发? 敏捷开发(Agile Development)是一种以人为核心、迭代、循序渐进的开发方法。 它不是一门技术,它是一...
Easy integration with help desk software, email and other channels to bring development team closer to the customer. Analytics Actionable smart analytics that provides in depth understanding and forecasting. Easily customize to better suite your needs. ...
Agile software development is a conceptual framework for undertaking software engineering projects that embraces and promotes evolutionary change throughout the entire life-cycle of the project. 这段定义来自wikipedia,我认为是我接触ASD以来,对ASD最精辟的论述。
通过使用随 MSF for Agile Software Development 5.0 版的过程模板一起提供的项目,Scrum 主管可以更轻松地运行他们的流程,团队可以更有效地工作。 这些项目包括工作项、报表、工作簿和面板。 团队可以使用工作项来跟踪信息、分析进度并做出决策。 团队可以使用内置的和自定义的报表(这些报表基于用来跟踪工作项的数据库或...
4.Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. 业务人员和开发人员应该每天都在一起工作,正所谓隔行如隔山,开发人员懂得如何开发,却不懂得业务人员的使用习惯。这样,每当程序员实现一个功能之前,都去吸收一下业务人员的建议,这样能够使得最终设计出来的软件,受到更广泛的业务人员...
如需詳細資訊,請參閱使用Microsoft Project 排程工作和指派資源。 (選擇性) 在 [詳細資料] 索引標籤上,指定下列類型的資訊: 在[描述]中,盡量輸入詳細資料來描述所要執行的工作。 在[記錄]中,輸入您想做為歷程記錄一部分擷取的註解。 每當小組成員更新工作項目時,其記錄就會顯示變更的日期、進行變更的小組成員,...
Elevate your Agile Software Development with Staff Augmentation and Project Outsourcing. We bridge IT gaps and integrate with your team.
Embracing Agile and consistent processescan lead to sustainable development. A working software productis an accurate measure of progress. Face-to-face communicationstands as the most effective communication method. Motivated individuals can facilitate project success. Managers are encouraged to give team ...