The rules and practices for Scrum—a simple process for managing complex projects—are few, straightforward, and easy to learn. But... (展开全部) 喜欢读"Agile Project Management with Scrum"的人也喜欢的电子书· ··· 支持Web、iPhone、iPad、Android 阅读器 精益创业...
to softwareproject m anagem ent—and focus your team on delivering real business value.project m anagem ent—and focus your team on delivering real business value.Table of Con t en t sTable of Con t en t sAgile Project Managem ent with ScrumAgile Project Managem ent with ScrumForewordForew...
Agile Project Management with Scrum是一种敏捷项目管理方法,它结合了Scrum框架和敏捷原则。Scrum是一种软件开发方法,旨在通过频繁的交付和持续的反馈来快速迭代产品。这种方法强调团队协作、客户参与和灵活性,以适应不断变化的需求和环境。 在Agile Project Management with Scrum中,项目经理和团队成员使用Scrum框架来规划...
Scrum Roles and Responsibilities Essential Scrum Roles Traits of an Effective Scrum Master Traits of an Effective Product Owner Traits of an effective development team The Product Backlog Building a Product Backlog Scrum Events Scrum Tools Introduction to Agile ...
Agile Project Management with Scrum是一个全面介绍如何将敏捷项目管理方法应用于项目管理工作的书籍。以下是对该书籍的总结介绍: 1. Scrum框架:Scrum是一种流行的敏捷开发框架,它强调团队合作、迭代式进展以及适应性计划。在Scrum中,项目团队由产品负责人、Scrum master和其他跨职能团队成员组成。 2. 敏捷原则:敏捷...
新手常常在实践中回归传统的项目管理方法和工具,导致效果不尽如人意。本书作者、Scrum共同创建者及倡导者Ken Schwaber通过一系列深入的案例研究,揭示了他在敏捷项目管理指导公司多年的经验中所学到的真知灼见,包括成功的策略和失败的教训。在这些案例中,你将了解到如何利用Scrum应对复杂问题,推动结果的...
Here’s the basic pattern for a Scrum project:There are three main roles on a Scrum project: Product Owner, Scrum Master, and team member. (We capitalize “Product Owner” and “Scrum Master” when talking about the Scrum roles.) The Product Owner works with the rest of the team to ...
Agile project management with Scrum: A case study of a Brazilian pharmaceutical company IT project The of this paper is to analyze the benefits of the agile project management (APM) framework compared to the traditional waterfall model, and understand ho... Adrialdo,Azanha,Ana,... - 《Internat...
The rules and practices for Scrum—a simple process for managing complex projects—are few, straightforward, and easy to learn. But Scrum’s simplicity itself—its lack of prescription—can be disarming, and new practitioners often find themselves reverting to old project management habits and tools...