one thing we noticed was that this plugin only lets you create vertical timelines unless you get the “Pro” version of the plugin. Therefore, if you want to create other types of time charts, such as horizontal ones, you will be better off using some other ...
Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or ...
After submitting the form, you will be redirected to a page with login credentials. One Demo For All The demo site is available for all users and the database is being reset every full hour. You can do anything, but the data you enter will eventually be reset. You can ask for a ...
Peppered with innumerable war stories, this book provides plenty of entertainment (as well as education) in the form of personal anecdotes, cautionary tales and pro-tips for both the colocated Agile Release Train and its more complicated globally distributed cousins.You will learn how to get a ...
Bio:Long-Form Copy Scott M. Graffius is a global leader in agile project management, an expert on teamwork tradecraft, an authority on temporal dynamics on social media platforms, a creator, a trainer, an award-winning author, and an international public speaker. He has generated over $1.9 ...
Shameless self promotion (and content creation). Why not? We do this kind of thing for our client's all the time. When you inform people (about what you do) you create a connection with "real" people who become your followers, advocates, and champion your cause. ...
SAS has asserted ownership of the intellectual property rights for images, videos, and content showcased above, affirming full and unrestricted usage rights, and has provided explicit permission for the Solar Impulse Foundation to publish such information designated as "public" in the application form....
The Microsoft 365 option includes Office 365 Pro Plus. It also has the Enterprise Mobility and Security, or EMS for short as well as Windows 10 Enterprise options. There are definitely times when going with the Enterprise version of Microsoft 365 is going to be highly useful if only for the...
Sebbene S@S sia generalmente meno prescrittivo, offre una domanda guida per aiutare le organizzazioni a stabilire se sono pronte per la scalabilità: se si aggiungono più persone al sistema, le prestazioni aumentano in modo esponenziale o la produttività ne risente?
These are very important. We still need to plan and document, and maintain rigor in agile development, which is about balance. However, if your organization is struggling with agile transformation and is drowning in chaos, when someone provides you with a lifeboat in the form of certifications,...