Agile Metodologi betyder en praksis, der fremmerkontinuerlig iterationudvikling og test gennem hele projektets softwareudviklingslivscyklus. I den agile model i softwaretest er både udviklings- og testaktiviteter samtidige, i modsætning til Waterfall-modellen. Agile metodologi Hvad er agil softw...
În ultimii câțiva ani, de când metodologia agilă a venit la bord, cu fondatorii săi strigând și dispuși să înlăture realitățile mondene și laborioase ale modelului tradițional de cascadă, impactul acesteia se poate simți și atunci când...
He did a great job at explaining the basics. I didn’t write it all down because as an 3l33t Cloud Guru a lot wasn’t new to me but it was very instructive in reminding me to go back to super basics when talking to people. “Did you know you can use ssh with a public/private ...
Choosing the “Simple”, “Medium”, or “Complex” options from the Choose Model drop-down adds more sliders. My book “Beyond Agile: Achieving Success with Situational Knowledge and Skills” describes the model, which is fully reconfigurable based on a public Google Sheet spreadsheet as a star...
In other words, knowing a little about toxic people can help us avoid them or reduce their impact. [This post is an extract from my book Beyond Agile–a hybrid model for blending agile with additional emotional intelligence and leadership skills. You can read much more about the Power Skills...
An ecosystem model, hard to completely characterize and barriers may increase interactions. So risk as a path dependent process and as a control problem. Path dependency – software is so complex now no one can fully understand, evaluate, or test it. ...
敏捷方法论是一种促进不断迭代开发和测试贯穿整个项目的软件开发生命周期。在软件测试的敏捷模型中,开发和测试活动是同时进行的,这与瀑布模型不同。 敏捷方法论 表中的内容: 什么是敏捷软件开发? 特敏捷软件开发方法论是将业务需求愿景转化为软件解决方案的最简单、最有效的流程之一。敏捷是一个术语,用于描述采用持续...