This is a guide for software developers and testers to understand and start working on the very famousAgile SCRUM methodology for software development and testing. Learn the basic but important terminologies used in the Agile Scrum process along with a real example of the complete process. We have...
Agile methodology is a practice that helps continuous iteration of the development process. In the Agile method, the priority is always to satisfy the customer by providing continuous delivery of valuable software. Scrum is an agile process that allows us to focus on delivering the highest business...
The line between when to use Agile versus when to use Scrum (scrum vs agile) is blurry. Scrum is one framework in the Agile process, so they both have a lot in common. A good place to start is to first understand if you should use Agile in general. Then, if an Agile methodology s...
“瀑布式开发”所代表的预定义过程控制(Predefined Process Control)已不再适合,而以人为核心驱动的经验...
As agile software development becomes a trend, Lots of organizations are using the agile methodology for better life cycle of product development. To achieve the quality product methods needs to be the more structured definition of what agile methodologies is and what is the better level of its ...
A Scrum workflow is a structured process that guides teams in implementing the Scrum framework — part of the Agile methodology. It consists of defined roles, ceremonies, and components that facilitate collaboration and efficiency in delivering products. The workflow emphasizes iterative progress through...
Scrum Scrum 是使用最为广泛的一种Agile方法论,Methodology。如果Agile是价值观,Scrum就是方法论。 Scrum通常用三三五五归纳 三个角色:Product Owner,Development Team,Scrum Master。Scrum Master是一个船长,机长的角色,保证开发按照Scrum的方法进行。 三个产出:Product Backlog,Sprint Backlog,Work Dliverable Software...
人和交互重于过程和工具 可以工作的软件重于求全责备的文档 客户协作重于合同谈判 随时应对变化重于循规...
Agile scrum methodology is a project management system that relies on incremental development. Each iteration consists of two- to four-week sprints, where the goal of each sprint is to build the most important features first and come out with a Potentially Shippable Product. ...
Ace Infoway offers Customer-centric Project Management. Get the implemented perfect method of Agile Software Development with Scrum Team.