Agile project management methodology explained (with burgers?!) Agile project management explained simply, using burgers. Agile Vs. Traditional Waterfall Methods The maindifference between agile and waterfall project managementmethods is that agile approaches prioritize quick increments of work and frequent f...
Agile Scrum Methodology Explained Agile scrum methodology is a project management system that relies on incremental development. It’s one of the most popular and widely-used frameworks in agile development, and with good reason. It offers a wide range of benefits with several common variations ...
What is DevOps Methodology? DevOpsis a software development practice aiming to bring development (Dev) and operations (Ops) together. It is a conception that fosters a culture of teamwork between these two teams from the preliminary design stage straight through to the product launch. ...
There is also the common misconception thatAgileis a methodology. Instead, Agile is a way of thinking for collaborative problem-solving and an approach people apply to modern-day project management. A Brief History of Agile Initially adopted by the software development industry, let's quickly explo...
The firstAgile methodology, XP, was created by Kent Beck in March 1996 when he was working at Chrysler.3The first book on Agile (Extreme ProgrammingExplained) was published in October 1999,4which was followed by several publications on various Agile methodologies inspired by XP. ...
Thewaterfall methodologyis a structured and sequential approach to project management. When using it, teams break projects into linear, sequential steps. They gather all requirements at the beginning of the project and use this information to create a plan. Each phase of this plan cascades into th...
Usually, people assume agile and scrum to be the same. However, the two terms imply different things. While agile refers to an iterative approach to project management, Scrum is a type of agile methodology. Also, scrum planning is mainly used for software development projects, whereas any busin...
Certainly if agile principles and methodology are being practiced properly, there shouldn’t be any surprises when the end of a project comes. We all know too well, that expectations or better yet “defining expectations” has no bounds. When it comes to meeting expectations, there’s a lot ...
Scrum is one of the most popular frameworks for implementing agile. So popular, in fact, that many people think scrum and agile are the same thing. Actually they're not. Both Agile and Scrum are terms used in project management. The Agile methodology employs incremental and iterative work bea...
DataOps has emerged as an Agile methodology to improve the speed and accuracy of analytics through new data management practices and processes, including code automation. Simply understood, DataOps is data management for the AI era, powering both automation at scale and friction-free collaboration betw...