What is Scrum? Applying Agile methodology: Kanban vs. Scrum Agile vs. Waterfall Which project management methodology should you use? What is "agile" project management? Agile project management (with a little "a") is any application of the greater Agile methodology to help workflows become ...
What is Scrum? Applying Agile methodology: Kanban vs. Scrum Agile vs. Waterfall Which project management methodology should you use? What is "agile" project management? Agile project management (with a little "a") is any application of the greater Agile methodology to help workflows become ...
Kanban Board 适用于持续交付和流程优化,任务可以随时加入、优先级可以随时调整。 Scrum Board 适用于迭代式开发,团队通过冲刺周期进行计划和交付,固定周期内完成任务。 创建Scrum Board 通常会间接创建一个项目,因为 Scrum 的工作模式依赖于项目的框架来管理冲刺、任务和进度。 五、实际应用 上家公司主要是通过TAPD进行...
Choose the ideal project management methodology. Discover the difference between agile, scrum, and kanban for project management.
软件开发行业有许多不同的方法 - 一些是旧方法的新方法,另一些方法采用了相对较新的方法。该领域中最常用的两种方法是敏捷,如Scrum,Kanban和Lean等,以及传统的瀑布模型,如结构化方法或更新的RUP。 大多数遵循这两种模式的软件公司都认为他们选择的方法在方面是优越的,所以在我们回答这个问题之前,“哪一个更成功?我...
Kanban is a subsect of the Agile methodology and functions within the broader Agile mentality. The Agile philosophy is all about adaptive planning, early delivery, and continuous improvement—all of which Kanban can support. When comparing Kanban vs Scrum, it's important to note that both are Ag...
软件开发行业中常用的两种方法,一种是目前非常热门的敏捷开发 (Agile),如 Scrum,Kanban 和 Lean 等,另一种是大家耳熟能详的传统瀑布模型(Waterfall)。在 2017 年做自动化运维平台的项目中,我非常荣幸成为初始成员之一完整经历了项目的生命周期,感受到 Scrum 和 Kanban 的强大魅力。虽然项目已经过去很久了,但是敏捷...
Kanban: Because Agile Kanban boards do not have a set ending period, there is not a retrospective meeting associated with this methodology. Physical board vs virtual board Some teams prefer using a physical board, such as a whiteboard or a glass wall, when working with Scrum tasks and Kanban...
Scrum If you aren't well-versed in project management methodologies, it can be hard to tell the difference between a Kanban board and a Scrum board or to understand why the differences between Agile vs. Waterfall methodologies are important. It might even seem like it doesn't matter which ...
1. Agile vs. Scrum — structure Agile is a mindset built on guiding principles and values. It doesn’t prescribe specific roles or processes, making it adaptable to many types of projects. Agile includes several frameworks like Kanban, Lean, and Scrum, which give teams structured methods for ...