An epic is a large body of work that can be broken down into smaller tasks or stories. Think of it as a large project or a big idea that needs to be accomplished over time. Epics provide a high-level perspective, giving you a broader view of the project landscape. They are instrumenta...
敏捷开发的核心逻辑是解构,把软件需求分解成Epic or story,通过一轮开发迭代(sprint)实现相应的功能。一轮sprint包含:需求确认->方案制定->coding->台架验证->实车验证->rolling candidate版本验证->代码合入 敏捷的优点在于: 拥抱不确定性,发生需求变更,那就直接来一轮sprint,如果还不够,那就来两轮; 出活快,...
敏捷开发的核心逻辑是解构,把软件需求分解成Epic or story,通过一轮开发迭代(sprint)实现相应的功能。一轮sprint包含:需求确认->方案制定->coding->台架验证->实车验证->rolling candidate版本验证->代码合入 敏捷的优点在于: 拥抱不确定性,发生需求变更,那就直接来一轮sprint,如果还不够,那就来两轮; 出活快,...
我们都知道 salesforce是主动拥抱敏捷的,而且大部分的salesforce项目使用敏捷方式进行开发和迭代是很方便和...
This epic story deals with the example company Enable Quiz and the HR manager wanting to create a quiz to screen engineering candidates. is organized in a more conventional fashion (vs. the epic above that’s storyboarded). Epic Story:“As the HR manager, I want to create a screening qui...
It may seem a little ‘loose’ to organize all your development around a bunch of stories. Mostly, I’d say try it out—I think you’ll find it works well. But also there is some layering and organization. Epic stories broadly describe an interaction, and child stories detail the individ...
敏捷开发的核心逻辑是解构,把软件需求分解成Epic or story,通过一轮开发迭代(sprint)实现相应的功能。一轮sprint包含:需求确认->方案制定->coding->台架验证->实车验证->rolling candidate版本验证->代码合入 敏捷的优点在于: 拥抱不确定性,发生需求变更,那就直接来一轮sprint,如果还不够,那就来两轮; ...
I think the second definition is better, since it doesn’t rely on your use of story points for estimation (though you can readwhy I love story point estimating) and it’s independent of your particular team’s velocity.
敏捷开发的核心逻辑是解构,把软件需求分解成Epic or story,通过一轮开发迭代(sprint)实现相应的功能。一轮sprint包含:需求确认->方案制定->coding->台架验证->实车验证->rolling candidate版本验证->代码合入 敏捷的优点在于: 拥抱不确定性,发生需求变更,那就直接来一轮sprint,如果还不够,那就来两轮; 出活快,...
In Agile, an epic is a large and high-level user story or requirement too big to complete in a single sprint or iteration. Epics encapsulate large chunks of work that we need to break down into smaller, more manageable user stories or tasks. ...