The aggregate type and size and mineral admixtures are important factors influencing the permeability and the compressive strength of pervious concrete. 56 groups of pervious concrete samples with different aggregate types and sizes and mineral admixtures were prepared. Test results show that higher ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the bloating mechanism of artificial lightweight aggregates with different sizes (ESA, effective surface area). Aggregates were produced using hard clay, stone sludge, and a bloating agent in order to observe the effect of the gradation of the artific...
However, as comparison studies between CA and con-ventional agriculture have increased to cover more climatic and soiltypes, the complexity of interactions has been revealed, with positive,neutral and negative ef f ects uncovered. Govaerts et al. (2009) found,from a meta-analysis of 78 ...
Each type of aggregate was divided into two different sizes: coarse and fine. The sizes of CAs were passing a 19 mm sieve and retained on a 12.5 mm sieve (CA12), and passing a 9.5 mm sieve and retained on a 4.75 mm sieve (CA4). Similarly, the sizes of FAs were passing a 4.75 ...
Two types of RCA were considered with different maximum particle sizes of 31.5 and 15 mm, Failure patterns The cracking distributions for the push-off specimens under different loading rates are shown in Fig. 7. The failure patterns for specimens under the low loading rate and the high loading...
The maximum aggregate sizes, 13 and 20 mm, were used in the concrete mixes and the aggregate was either natural or recycled concrete. The aggregate to binder ratio for concrete mix with 20 mm aggregate was 5.0 and 4.0, by weight for natural and recycled aggregates, respectively. The ...
Effect of Coarse Aggregate on the Behavior of Normal and High-Strength Concretes The effect of four coarse aggregate types on the compressive strength, flexural strength, and flexural strength/compressive strength ratio of normal- and h... PK Mehta,A.Samer Ezeldin,PC Aitcin - 《Cement Concrete...
Grouting in the poured aggregate mass with different particle sizes in tunnel with flowing water is mainly affected by the force of gravity, viscosity and pressure that influence the water flow and the moving state of the grout. The flow in the experiments belongs to turbulent flow with a high...
MongoDB是一款流行的无模式,内存数据库,应用非常广泛,其中作为 MongoDB 重要组成部分 MongoDB Aggregate ,它主要是用来做复杂查询,统计数据,数据分析等等,随着业务的发展,会累积大量的数据,需要写各种各样复杂的查询语句,这就需要我们对Aggregate的原理,Aggregate的核心思想,Aggregate的性能分析要做深入的理解,以及如何写...
sizes can be separated into distinct fractions13,16,18. Therefore, we combined in equal proportions aggregates taken from three different time points during the aggregation reaction; (i) the end of the lag phase, (ii) the middle of the growth phase and (iii) in the plateau phase (Fig.2a...