Hi My report has SQL detail table with 20 columns, 2 measures (actuals, forecast) for detail Power BI reporting . I have another scenario where to
Power BI recognizes that this field is a text field, so it creates a table with a single column. Select the arrow next to Category, and change the aggregation from the default Don't summarize to Count (Distinct), Power BI counts the number of different categories. In this case, there ...
Power BI recognizes that this field is a text field, so it creates a table with a single column. Select the arrow next to Category, and change the aggregation from the default Don't summarize to Count (Distinct), Power BI counts the number of different categories. In this case, there ...
COUNTROWS(table) 1. 参数说明 table:包含要进行计数的行的表名称或会返回表的表达式 练习案例 数据源 data.xlsx 步骤1:将数据源导入到Power BI Desktop,单击【主页】|【Excel工作簿】选项,导入加载数据 如下图所示 步骤2:在菜单栏中选择"新建度量值",输入公式countrows1 = COUNTROWS('data'),结果如下图所示 ...
Click “OK” to create your grouped data table. Export your grouped data table back to Power BI Desktop. One of the benefits of using Power Query to aggregate data is that it allows you to easily combine and summarize large amounts of data from multiple sources. This can save you time ...
Use Previous to compare a value in one row to the previous row's value within a specific scope, for example, to find percentage year over year values in a table. Expandera tabell FunctionDescription First Returns the first value in the given scope of the specified expression. Last Re...
When a query is run by the kernel, the developer can move all the records to a temporary or regular table without iterating row by row. Bulk Move provides a very efficient way to move data from aggregate models to temporary tables.
@fabiopaturzo , better to create a measure with help from date table example Rolling 12 = CALCULATE(sum(Sales[Sales Amount]),DATESINPERIOD('Date'[Date],MAX('Date'[Date]),-12,MONTH)) window function you can also use Power BI Window function Rolling, Cumulative/Running Total,...
For a table, clickAdd to Table as Count. Doing any of these automatically adds the field as a counted field. Duplicates and blanks in a field When you set Power View to count the values in a field, by default it counts all the rows that contain data: I...
For a table, clickAdd to Table as Count. Doing any of these automatically adds the field as a counted field. Duplicates and blanks in a field When you set Power View to count the values in a field, by default it counts all the rows that contain data: It...