Example: Write an SQL query to count the number of rows having an age greater than or equal to 21. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM citizen WHERE age >= 21; 3. SUM() Function TheSUM()function is used to find the sum of all values in the given numeric column. ...
These values are typically those in a column or group of columns meeting certain conditions. Before we dive into a slew of different aggregate functions, let's look at a simple example. Aggregate SQL Function Example Let's say we have a table nam...
SUM function example To calculate the sum of units in stock by product category, you use theSUMfunction with theGROUP BYclause as the following query: SELECTcategoryid,SUM(unitsinstock)FROMproductsGROUPBYcategoryid;Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) ...
Breaking Down The Window Function Let's break down the earlier window function: SUM(spend) OVER ( PARTITION BY product ORDER BY transaction_date) AS running_total Here's what each SQL command in the window function is doing: SUM(): SUM(spend) is a typical aggregate function OVER: OVER re...
Example To perform database aggregate function, we need some records in the database. So, here, I will create a table and insert some records into the table. Query for creating a table - CREATE TABLE [dbo].[StudentTable]( [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Section] [varchar...
The aggregate functions MIN, MAX, SUM, AVG, COUNT, VARIANCE,and STDDEV, when followed by the KEEP keyword, can be used inconjunction with the FIRST or LAST function to operate on a setof values from a set of rows that rank as the FIRST or LAST withrespect to a given sorting specificat...
expression: Expression to operate on. Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic operators. Viewvar_sampquery example Approximate aggregate functions approx_distinct approx_median approx_percentile_cont approx_percentile_cont_with_weight ...
aggregate_function(columnName) FROM tableName GROUP BY columnName HAVING count(*) > 1; SELECT columnName, aggregate_function(columnName) FROM tableName WHERE columnName operator value (optional) GROUP BY columnName; HAVING aggregate_function(columnName) operator value; SELECT genre, sum(cost) FROM...
Let's start by running a query with an aggregate function and proceed accordingly. Along the way, you will learn more about the syntaxes and the kind of constructs you need to follow when applying aggregate functions in SQL. selectsum(debt)frominternational_debt; ...
For information on the differences between SQL aggregate functions and theCalculationModecolumns, refer toHow Are Historian Calculation Modes and SQL Aggregate Functions Different?. Example 1: Retrieve the Total Number of Tags The following example displays the use of the aggregateCOUNT()function without...