Synonyms for Aggravated battery in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Aggravated battery. 36 synonyms for battery: power unit, artillery, ordnance, gunnery, gun emplacement, cannonry, range, lot, collection, variety, selection, array, assortment... What are s
Aggravated Battery is classified as a Second Degree Felony if the victim was a Law Enforcement Officer, Firefighter, or EMT. Additionally, the defendant will be facing a minimum-mandatory prison sentence of five (5) years in prison, punishable by up to 15 years in prison and up to $10,00...
(2) Whoever commits aggravated battery shall be guilty of a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. Understanding Aggravated Battery Aggravated battery is a serious violent crime that may be charged when the accused: Intentionally causes ...
An aggravated battery is a brawl or a fight that breaks out and depending on the physical damage of the victim, a person might even be charged with attempted murder. Both aggravated assault and aggravated battery are felonies in my state with fines up to $10,000 and jail time of up to ...
Definition of Aggravated Battery In Florida, Aggravated Battery is defined as an intentional touching or striking of another person: (i) with the intent to cause great bodily harm; (ii) with a deadly weapon; or (iii) under circumstances where the defendant knew or should have known that the...
1.To make worse or more troublesome:aggravate political tensions; aggravate a medical condition. 2.To annoy or exasperate:The child's whining aggravated me.See Synonyms atannoy. [Latinaggravāre, aggravāt-:ad-,ad-+gravāre,to burden(fromgravis,heavy; seegwerə-inIndo-European roots).] ...
Related to Aggravated Assault:Aggravated battery,Simple assault A person is guilty of aggravated assault if he or she attempts to cause serious bodily injury to another or causes such injury purposely, knowingly, or recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human ...
3.This is further aggravated by cracking, which reduces the flexural stiffness of members. 开裂降低了构件的弯曲刚度, 这会进一步使挠度增大. 4.A 14-year-old boy has been charged with one felony count of aggravated battery/use of a deadly weapon. ...
Aggravated Battery is a very serious felony in Atlanta Georgia. Contact an aggressive criminal defense lawyer at Yeargan & Kert, LLC to protect you.
n. 1) the direct taking of property (including money) from a person (victim) through force, threat or intimidation. Robbery is a felony (crime punishable by a term in state or federal prison). "Armed robbery" involves the use of gun or other weapon which can do bodily arm, such as ...