一、AGFAHEALTHCARENV投资情况:AGFAHEALTHCARENV目前是爱克发医疗科技(上海)有限公司直接控股股东,持股比例为100%;目前AGFAHEALTHCARENV投资爱克发医疗科技(上海)有限公司最终收益股份为100%;二、AGFAHEALTHCARENV的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,AGFAHEALTHCARENV目前有3个商业合作伙伴,包括虞周、陈文艳、邱海峰等。 财产...
Agfa HealthCare GmbH (德国)专业提供:透镜 偏振片 镜片公司简介Agfa NV is one of the world’s leading companies in imaging technology. Agfa develops, manufactures and markets analogue and digital systems for the printing industry, for the healthcare sector, and for specific industrial applications. ...
How can we help you? Contact AGFA HealthCare - send us your question or a short description of your IT project.
变更为“AGFA NV”;备案人名称-英文由“AGFA HEALTHCARE N.V.”变更为“AGFA NV”变更时间2018年11月08日;产品描述由“通常由在透明胶片基的一侧或双侧涂上感光乳剂/感光材料制作而成,用于记录、显示与储存医学影像。”变更为“通常由在蓝色胶片基的一侧或双侧涂上感光乳剂/感光材料制作而成,用于记录、显示与...
https://medimg.agfa.com 地址: Dr.-Kisselmann-Straße 2 D-86971 Peiting 电话: 传真: +49 8861 675-380 产品: 透镜偏振片镜片 分享到 :
Latest AGFA Gevaert NV (AGE:STU) share price with interactive charts, historical prices, comparative analysis, forecasts, business profile and more.
Agfa develops and manufactures imaging systems and IT solutions for the printing industry and healthcare, as well as for specific industrial applications.
Agfa develops and manufactures imaging systems and IT solutions for the printing industry and healthcare, as well as for specific industrial applications.
Agfa Gevaert NV is a Belgium-based company that develops, produces and distributes analog and digital imaging systems and information technology (IT) solutions, mainly for the printing industry and the healthcare sector, as well as for specific industrial applications. The Company’s activities are...
BEHIELS GERT (BE) DEWAELE PIET (BE) Application Number: DE60133089A Publication Date: 04/17/2008 Filing Date: 05/10/2001 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: AGFA HEALTHCARE NV (BE) International Classes: ...