Check out all my books, printable activities, and cool mathy merch atDenise Gaskins’ Playful Math Store. Or join myemail newsletter. This blog is reader-supported. If you’d like to help fund the blog on an on-going basis, then pleasejoin me on Patreonfor mathy inspiration, tips, and...
They offer a gateway to explore and take your imagination through different aspects, like how a butterfly goes through various stages of its life, from caterpillar to pupa to a full-grown butterfly. Watch how your mastery of the craft increases! Let us walk you through some of the best bu...
Aliya, entering the beginning stages of adolescence, wonders about how to navigate being old enough to fast during Ramadan, if she wants to wear a headscarf, and what it might mean to draw attention to her identity as a Muslim. A new acquaintance from Morocco seems so secure in her ...
Piano Pronto Publishing offers a comprehensive method book series and wide array of supplemental title for students of all ages and stages. Full-time fun starts here!
Metamorphosis is a unique life-cycle where a creature goes through two of more significant changes to reach adulthood. Butterflies are a perfect example. They start as tiny eggs, hatch into caterpillars, form into a chrysalis and hatch as a butterfly. Seeing all four stages in nature is very...
Piano Pronto Publishing offers a comprehensive method book series and wide array of supplemental title for students of all ages and stages. Full-time fun starts here!