Search the directory by location or genre for all book agents seeking new writers and clients. You can also see a list of the best boutique literary agency publishing agents, with important facts and statistics about boutique literary agency book agents in the agency database. Click here to ...
Adrienne Rosado (Stonesong Literary Agency), New York, NY Agnes Carlowicz (Carol Mann Agency), New York, NY Aimee Ashcraft (Brower Literary & Management), New York, NY Albert Longden (Albert T. Longden Agency), Bloomfield, NJ (AAR Member) Albert Zuckerman (Writers House), New York, NY...
A comprehensive directory of literary agents seeking young adult submissions in 2025A comprehensive directory of literary agents seeking young adult submissions in 2025, vetted by the team at Reedsy. Filter for the perfect agent by genre, location, and m
Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.literary agent- an agent who represents an author in dealings with publishers agent- a representative who acts on behalf of other persons or organizations Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
She represents bestselling and award-winning authors and is always on the lookout for more compelling stories and talented writers. Looking for: Currently she is seeking upmarket commercial fiction by female identifying authors, really funny and romantic romcoms from diverse voices, agenda setting non...
It’s not (as writers new to the game often assume) that you’re being asked to say who wouldn’t be interested in reading your story, or that (as writers considering for the first time the question of genre frequently fear) that agents don’t understand that creativity can confound ...
not just Boston author representatives seeking new writers. Our list is comprehensive and it includes both new and established publishing agents. It also includes publishing agents with large literary agencies and independent literary agents withBoutique Literary Agencies. Scroll below to find Bostonliterar...
Paloma has always been attracted to well-told stories with a passionate drive behind them. Paloma is also accepting prose works and is seeking any book that tells genre stories in new ways. The only thing she likes more than trope-y fun is the chance to break it down into something new....
New Reader Media offers marketing services for writers and other creatives; visual artists, musicians, etc. Our clients are and will never be forced to sign a contract. In fact, when they’re unhappy with the service/s provided, we proactively offer a refund without hesitation. To solve your...
Sample Writers Showcase A new resource for published and unpublished authors seeking representation click here for more "THE FIELD HOUSE" by: DAVID PRESS "The Field House" is a murder-mystery with some supernatural elements revolving around a film student who is working for a small town ...