The fate of both a TV show and its actors is often uncertain, as the chances of cancelation or scheduling conflicts are always on the horizon. Additionally, there can be creative differences, professional conflicts, or new opportunities for actors that cause a character to require to be written...
Months after Nick Fury promoted him to Director, Phil Coulson is still battling against the public perception of SHIELD as he tries to rebuild the organisation... There’s a feel of taking stock about this first episode of the new season of SHIELD, with
Another collaboration between actor Richard Armitage and Harlan Coben,Stay Closeis a fine exemplar of several core Coben tropes. Like many of the author's other stories,Stay Closefollows three seemingly unconnected characterswho are secretly unified by their ties to a single significant event. In th...
“I think all of us here — not just as writers but as viewers — are thrilled that we’re in what feels like a golden age of comic book adaptations in both film and television,” Kreisberg shared. “We’re excited to be part of this real shift in the TV landscape that includesS....
Agents of SHIELDhas been going since 2013 and has managed to outlive several other live-action Marvel Cinematic Universe TV shows by this point, includingThe Defendersuniverse on Netflixand ABC'sInhumans. The series began as an extension of the MCU movies, but has drifted further and further ...