BELL:I would say to a certain extent. As much as we were playing the sadness of "Coulson and May are going off to Tahiti" [in the season 5 finale], it was also a fulfillment of a promise of their relationship that we'd always had, and if the show ended then, you don't know h...
Still, recent episodes have put more emphasis on Robbie's origin story of becoming Ghost Rider, and how his uncle Eli Morrow's (Jose Zuniga) history tied into it. So, it's clear season 4 has been building to a winter finale focused on the final showdown between the Spirit of Vengeance...
Marvel's Agents of SHIELD wrapped up its fifth season in the US last night (May 18) and while we're keeping this article as spoiler-free as possible, let's just say that our heroes don't come out of the episode's events all smiles and rainbows and cupcakes....
ABC has renewed Marvel's Agents of SHIELD TV show, despite ratings similar to those that saw the Once Upon a Time TV series cancelled. Set in the MCU...
Given the stakes behind this show, it is likely to be given a long leash by ABC. And given the pedigree of the producers, there’s a fair chance of improvement. There’s plenty of room for that.” What do you think?Did you watchAgents of SHIELD?Did it live up to the hype? Would...
Next:How Marvel Can Make Agents of SHIELD Season 7 Proper MCU Canon Source:Kolpack/Twitter Privacy Policy The following contains spoilers for Fargo season 5, episode 10 Summary The Fargo season 5 finale explores the theme of forgiveness in a world marred by polarization and mutual injury. ...
As of "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", there is no more S.H.I.E.L.D. So, logically, this should will be cancelled soon...right? Right? Cwf123·6/20/2014 Copy Link The show has been renewed since SHIELD has been reborn. ...