登入 A MYSTERIOUS FORCE HAUNTS THE TEAM Coulson and his team are haunted by a mysterious force that threatens to destroy them all, and only a secret from May's past can save them.Written by Maurissa Tancharoen & Jed WhedonDirected by Billy Gierhart...
As of "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", there is no more S.H.I.E.L.D. So, logically, this should will be cancelled soon...right? Right? Cwf123·6/20/2014 Copy Link The show has been renewed since SHIELD has been reborn. ...
Final Civil War Trailer, Agents of Shield Renewed & More Marvel!: With Coy Jandreau, Meredith Placko.
ABC has renewed Marvel's Agents of SHIELD TV show, despite ratings similar to those that saw the Once Upon a Time TV series cancelled. Set in the MCU...
A lot of people realize that even though Joss Whedon was involved in getting this show off the ground. They were the ones that ran the show all season while he was away working on Avengers 2. So if you really like the show. They’re the ones to thank. When it was announced SHIELD ...
Agents of SHIELD Season 2: Where we’re at Posted by Deborah Lipp on October 1, 2014 at 9:39 am Agents of SHIELD Comments Off on Agents of SHIELD Season 2: Where we’re at Oct 012014 A year ago, I never could have imagined saying this: Agents of SHIELD is genre fiction done ...
After an agent removes a numerical label from the vault door, we then see the hand of Dr. Franklin Hall - who had been sucked into the matter earlier in the episode - reach out from the globular mass, which of course indicates that he will soon become Graviton, as he did in the ...
Tonight, ABC unveils their most-anticipated new show of the fall season,Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD.Is it worthy of all they hype and expectations? Is it worth watching? Marvel’s Agents of SHIELDis based on the super-secret spy organization from Marvel comic books and Marvel superhero movies...
Both Spider-Man: Far From Home and Agents of SHIELD season 6 are dealing with monstrous, legendary beings who are somehow connected to the area around Mexico, and who seem to be able to move between worlds and even dimensions. In the case of Agents of SHIELD, in the latest episode Sarge...
Agents of SHIELD is back with a bang - or, more accurately, a jolt of icy blue electricity. The midseason premiere opens with a flashback to 1983, where a teenager without eyes is teleporting around a sealed chamber, vapour trails of azure energy fizzling in his wake. He is confu...