A number of first-season episodes begin with a prologue in which the lead actors break the fourth wall and address the audience, explaining who they are and what they do. Versions alternatives Every two-part episodes of this series was re-edited for theatrical release in Europe. Each of thes...
Households as passive actors Customer The most common passive household role was associated with households as mere customers of energy companies and payers of electricity, for whom the electricity just “comes from the socket” (22). These articles focused primarily on the negative financial consequen...
we draw on self-determination theory. Self-determination theory proposes that individuals have a psychological need for competence, referring to the feeling of being capable and effective in their engagement with the environment
VanderWaal will write and perform new original music for the sequel. Hart co-wrote with her husband Jordan Horowitz.The four new actors join a cast that includes Uma Thurman, Judy Greer (Stargirl’s mom), Judd Hirsch (Stargirl’s neighbor Mr. Mitchell), Elijah Richardson (Stargirl’s beau ...
JL: The most important thing is that the shows keep getting better and that our actors are really finding their roles. I think that when people see episode six, and by all estimations it’s the best one yet. It’s an extremely tense, frightening episode and even though some of us fans...
The concept of action determination refers here to three analytically distinct bases or modalities on which actors determine what they do: for instance, following a rule or algorithm (which prescribes social actions and interactions), making choices among given alternative actions, and constructing and...