Wikipedia - Agent Orange|Wikipedia - Rainbow Herbidices|History - Agent Orange More Information For the purposes of VA compensation benefits, veterans who served anywhere in Vietnam between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975 are presumed to have been exposed to herbicides, as specified in theAgent...
He tried to include three more health conditions – bladder cancer, Parkinson’s-like symptoms and hypthyroidism – as eligible diseases for Agent Orange benefits. This would have allowed veterans quicker access to compensation for disability compensation and to medical benefits. Recently released ...
1」Agent Orange: Its Effects Still Haunt Veterans & Their ... The Cleanup Program While the U.S. offers disability benefits to American veterans believed to have illnesses linked with Agent Orange, in February 2012, the program in recovering the dioxin contamination was...
Veterans and Agent Orange 作者:Committee to Review the Health Effects in Vietnam Veterans of Exposure to Herbicides; Institute of Medicine 出版年:2012-1 页数:800 定价:$ 229.96 ISBN:9780309214476 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评
Excerpt Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 2000 examines the state of the scientific evidence regarding associations between diseases and exposure to dioxin and other chemical compounds in herbicides used in Vietnam. It is the fourth in a series of comprehensive reviews of epidemiologic and toxicologic...
Agent Orange noun Words related to Agent Orange nouna herbicide used in the Vietnam War to defoliate forest areas Related Words dioxin herbicide weed killer weedkiller Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Vietnam veterans who were exposed to the chemical defoliant Agent Orange and who have developed B cell leukemia, Parkinson disease, or ischemic heart disease may soon be able to receive medical care or disability compensation through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). During the Vietn...
Agent Orange has been linked to many health problems in Vietnam veterans and Vietnamese civilians. Thousands have died from conditions likely brought on by exposure to Agent Orange. The herbicide, and its component dioxin, is considered to be one of the most dangerous substances in the world ...