The Agent Orange Act of 1991 is the only legislative pathway to add ailments to the presumptive list of service connected illnesses for Vietnam Veterans. It is set to expire on September 30th, 2015. If the Act is allowed to expire comprehensive research reviews will end. Without continued rese...
VA expired in 2015 under the sunset clause of the Agent Orange Act of 1991. Through this process, the list of 'presumptive' conditions has grown since 1991, and currently the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has listed prostate cancer, respiratory cancers, multiple myeloma, type II ...
Agent Orange is one of several herbicidal (plant-killing) preparations that was used by the U.S. military to destroy forests and enemy crops in Vietnam in the 1960s. Agent Orange was created by mixing equal quantities of two agricultural herbicides commonly used to kill weeds: 2,4-D and ...
“The misleading statements made by VA in its recent report to Congress cannot overcome the strength of the assembled scientific data and the statutory framework for adding presumptive diseases associated with Agent Orange exposure,” the groups wrote. ...
Other epidemiological studies of prostate cancer have relied in part on self-reported exposure to Agent Orange, which has been shown not to be a valid indicator of serum TCDD levels [81]. Many of these studies also used the VA’s presumptive definition of Agent Orange exposure, which classifie...
U. S. GOVERNMENT FINALLY ADDRESSES THE AGENT ORANGE FIASCO In 1991, Congress enacted the Agent Orange Act, giving the Department of Veterans Affairs the authority to declare certain conditions “presumptive” to exposure to Agent Orange/dioxin, making these veterans who served in Vietnam eligible ...
Agent Orange (AO) is a dioxin containing defoliant and carcinogen used in the Korean and Vietnam War. There is limited evidence of the association between AO exposure among Veterans and stroke. Stroke is not yet part of the list of presumptive conditions according to the Promise to Address ...