Agent Orange and dioxin are now known to cause “reproductive and developmental problems, cancer, as well as damage to the immune system, and can interfere with hormones,” according to a report from theWorld Health Organization(WHO). In total, 20 million gall...
In 1997, the US Ambassador to Vietnam questioned the availability of scientific evidence to establish the “exact consequences of Agent Orange” (Ha Thang, 1997). In early 2000, the Vietnamese government formally introduced the AO Central Payments Programme. Compensation consists of monthly payments...
A key official who helps adjudicate claims by veterans who say they were exposed to Agent Orange has downplayed the risks of the chemical herbicide and questioned the findings of scientists, journalists and a federal administrative tribunal that conflict with his views. Jim Sampsel, a lead ...
AgentOrangeDMZ-VA Reg VA Final Rule on Agent Orange in the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Note that benefits are for vets exposed from 1 April ’68 to 31 August ’71. However; “If VA receives evidence that herbicides were used in or near the DMZ from an earlier date, VA may rely ...
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Pay bills and accumulate wealth using a personalized financial debit-credit combination card that allows the user to make payment transactions against the user's own funds and encourages the user to pay back the account on a monthly basi... This patent application makes available to a specific ...
Orange alert for Kozhikode on Sep 7 Muhammad Yahiya Zakif dresses up as Little Krishna in Sree Krishna Jayanthy procession NITCalicut students win national recognition for developing drones for medical emergencies JCB Prize for Literature:Long list released IIT- Delhi study: Poker and Rummy are ...
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