Agent Orange, on U.S. Vietnam Cambodia, Laos veteransdioxin contamination and “HOT SPOTSAgent Orange Problem,” and mitigation effortsSummary This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction History of Military Use of Herbicides Exposed and Potentially Exposed Populations in Vietnam Dioxin ...
Agent Orange: Health and Environmental Issues in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laosdoi:10.1002/9781118184141.ch15Agent Orange, on U.S. Vietnam Cambodia, Laos veteransdioxin contamination and “HOT SPOTS”“Agent Orange Problem,” and mitigation effortsSusan HammondArnold SchecterJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd...
Reports on the continuing poisoning of Vietnamese people from the chemical Agent Orange that was used by the United States during the Vietnam war. Details of the study which tested samples of animals used for food from Bien Hoa City; Findings that in certain hot spots, contaminated meat with...
However, once the Agent Orange TCDD was spilled on soils (hot spots), it could persist for decades. A critical review of how the Vietnam government handled industrial wastes, and the burning of municipal wastes in more than 200 sites over the past 50years suggested that significant quantities...
Malloy, Daniel
During the Vietnam War, a phenoxy-herbicide mixture called Agent Orange, which was contaminated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodJoxin, or TCDD, was used primarily for destruction of forest and other foliage in order to prevent enemy troop movement and protect American and allied troops and ...
Figure 3.Attenuated total reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) of residual sepia melanin after LMCS treatment with ABTS/V (blue line), TEMPO/V (orange line), Syr/V (pink line), As/V (blue line), and Va/V (red line). Original Sepia melanin (green line) is rep...