Agent Orange Effects People exposed to Agent Orange can suffer a variety of health defects such as immune system dysfunctions, miscarriages, deformations, Parkinson's disease, and several cancers, to name a few. Additionally, the children of those affected by Agent Orange can experience birth defect...
The meaning of AGENT ORANGE is an herbicide widely used as a defoliant in the Vietnam War that is composed of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T and contains dioxin as a contaminant.
Deleterious health effects of Agent Orange on the Vietnamese women and childrenNguyen Thi Ngoc Phuong
Effects of Chemical Agents on Australian Personnel in Vietnam has authoritatively rejected the substantive claims that were made by the Vietnam Veterans' Association of Australia about the adverse effects of exposure to phenoxy herbicides in Vietnam on the health of Vietnam veterans and their ...
children, according to a recently issued report by the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine (IOM).The congressionally mandated report,Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 1996, is the second in a series of biennial reassessments of the health effects of Agent Orange and other ...
When the napalm was dropped on the villages, the Vietnamese houses and vegetation were destroyed. Napalm burned men, women, and children who were in the villages the clothes would burn completely off their bodies. Agent orange another substance used this was sprayed by an aircraft over the ...
Victory for the children of Agent Orange The Fiftieth Commendation of the American (Viet Nam) War Richard D. Hartwell TOP SECRET REPORT from the United States Government An Appeal for Assistance: The Contaminated People--and How We Can Help What is Agent Orange? Effects of Agent Orange USA Vi...
Agent Orange was used by U.S. forces to kill large areas of jungle. But the herbicides did much more, causing cancers and birth defects in some of those exposed and in their children and grandchildren. And to date, the U.S. government refuses to accept any liability for this enduring ...
Focuses on the legislation passed by the U.S. Congress mandating to provide compensation payments to war veterans exposed to agent orange. Continual examination of veterans health condition; Association between agent orange exposure and chronic lymphocytic leukemia; Research on agent orange. 年份: 2003...
Agent Orange and Health Problems These children from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, were born without arms, birth defects likely caused by Agent Orange. AFP/Getty Images There is a lot of controversy and debate about the actual health effects of Agent Orange. The Institute of Medicine of th...