Agent Orange (redirected fromAgents Orange) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Agent Orange n. A herbicide containing trace amounts of the toxic contaminant dioxin, used in the Vietnam War to defoliate areas of forest. [From the orange identifying strip on drums in which it was stored.] ...
If the bill passes the Senate and eventually becomes law, it is expected to cost the VA around $5.5 billion to provide benefits to the affected veterans. The department as spent hundreds of millions of dollars over the last two decades on Agent Orange disabi...
Wilborn, ThomDav Magazine
By April 1993, the Department of Veterans Affairs had compensated only 486 victims, although it had received disability claims from 39,419 soldiers who had been exposed to Agent Orange while serving in Vietnam. U.S. Congress In 1991, Congress enacted the Agent Orange Act, giving the Department...
Agent Orange's development came about in part due to work by Dr. Arthur W. Galston, a botanist who researched compounds that boost plant growth, known asgrowth regulators. But after the U.S. military began using Agent Orange in Vietnam, Galston observed its effects and worked to ...
Agent Orange is one of several herbicidal (plant-killing) preparations that was used by the U.S. military to destroy forests and enemy crops in Vietnam in the 1960s. Agent Orange was created by mixing equal quantities of two agricultural herbicides commonly used to kill weeds: 2,4-D and ...
Numerous other drugs, such as the anticoagulant warfarin, are known to be teratogenic, and other agents are strongly suspected. Firm proof of a drug's teratogenicity in humans is not easy to obtain, however. Several drugs, such as Agent Orange and some of the social drugs (e.g.,lysergic ...
Their role in reinforcing our perceptions of good and bad is well recognized by industry who now color tablets to enhance or reinforce a therapeutic effect-blue for sedation, red and orange for stimulants, yellows to depict positivity for antidepressants, green for anxiety, and white for ...
Themostcommonlyusedspraywasdubbed"Agent Orange"becauseitwasshippedinbarrelswithan Orangestripe. ??The2,4,5-Therbicideiscontaminatedwithtrace amountsofTCDDdioxin,themosttoxicchemicalknown toscience.Labanimalsexposedtominutequantitiesof dioxin(inpartsperbillion)havesufferedincreasedrates ofbirthdefects.TheFDA...
Orange/yellow skin discoloration if combined with dapsone; see text on dapsone One commonly utilized application method is to begin with 5% BPO in a thin-layer (i.e., pea-sized) and for a few hours a day or every other day for a brief period of time as tolerated. Then, continue with...