必应词典为您提供agent-communication-language的释义,网络释义: 代理通信语言;通讯语言;软体代理人沟通语言;
An Agent Communication Language (ACL) is commonly known as a language that provides a set of language primitives to implement the agent communication model. ACLs are only used to construct the message wrapper and not concern about the choice of the content language and the ontology model (...
正如不同国家的人沟通时需要一个共同的语言(英语)一样,Agent之间的通信也需要一个共同的语言——Agent通信语言ACL(Agent Communication Language)。 ACL由FIPA(Foundation for Intelligent Physical)建议,是一个被提议的Agent通信的标准语言。另一个被提议的标准语言是KQML(Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language)。这...
作为Agent间通信的关键,Agent通信语言(Agent Communication Language,ACL)已经得到学术界和企业界的广泛研究.在综合分析国内外有关ACL文献的基础上,总结了ACL的起源和发展,设计了ACL的基本框架;并在此框架基础上,分析比较了各种ACL,尤其对两种主流ACL:KQML(Knowledge Query and Management Language)和FIPA ACL(The Founda...
CG-KQML+:AnAgentCommunicationLanguage anditsuseinaMulti-AgentSystem KarimBouzouba 1 ,BernardMoulin 2 ,AdilKabbaj 3 1 AbdelmalekEssaadiUniversity ENSAT,Tangier,Morocco karimbouzouba@yahoo 2 LavalUniversity ComputerScienceDepartmentandResearchCenteronGeomatics ...
Agent是一种在某个环境中自主行动以实现其设计目标的智能化软件实体[3-4]。其应用主要是以一种松散耦合的Agent网络,即MAS出现,在多个Agent之间以结构化的ACL[5](Agent Communication Language)进行交互、协作,以完成某一项任务。 台风预报系统是一个典型的Web应用,它是一个会商式的群决策支持系统(GDSS)[6-7],其...
Abbreviations: ACL = agent communication language, FIPA = Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, GUI = graphical user interface, IW = intelligent wheelchair, JADE = Java Agent DEvelopment Framework, MAS = multiagent system, MMI = multimodal interface, MR = mixed reality, PDDL = planning ...
The general agent communication language (ACL) such as KQML is usually used to implement knowledge sharing and manipulating, and it is not suitable for the multimedia communication tasks that require fast real-tim...
In this paper, we present the definition of a temporal agent communication language. This language uses a sophisticated communication model based on the speech act theory. It is the component of a more important research dealing with the study of temporal reasoning in multi-agent systems. This ...