2005 年诺贝尔经济学奖得主托马斯·谢林(Thomas Schelling)在上世纪 70 年代就纽约的人种居住分布得出了著名的 Schelling segregation model,这是一个 ABM(agent-based model),当年谢林只能通过铅笔在纸上进行模拟,而这次则利用 Python 进行仿真实现这个模型。 在计算机科学中,基于 Agent 的模型(agent-based models)被...
Agent大模型 python Demo agent-based models 曾经在美赛中生搬硬套了这个模型,现在终于得空,打算研究一下。 在计算机科学中,基于 Agent 的模型(agent-based models)被用来评估独立(autonomous)agent(诸如个体、群组或物体)在整个系统中的影响。这个强大的分析工具常被用在实验难以开展或者费用太高的时候。在社会科学,...
An Introduction to agent-based models and their power to iImprove your research practice. International Review of Social Psychology, 30(1) Squazzoni, F., Polhill, J. G., Edmonds, B., Ahrweiler, P., Antosz, P., Scholz, G., Chappin, É., Borit, M., Verhagen, H., Giardini, F....
An Introduction to agent-based models and their power to iImprove your research practice.International Review of Social Psychology,30(1) Squazzoni, F., Polhill, J. G., Edmonds, B., Ahrweiler, P., Antosz, P., Scholz, G., Chappin, É., Bo...
Mesa: Agent-based modeling in Python 3+ Mesa is an Apache2 licensed agent-based modeling (or ABM) framework in Python. It allows users to quickly create agent-based models using built-in core components (such as spatial grids and agent schedulers) or customized implementations; visualize them...
Mesa is an open-source Python library for agent-based modeling, ideal for simulating complex systems and exploring emergent behaviors. - projectmesa/mesa
ChatAgent是一个基于Python的大语言模型智能体框架。通过ChatAgent部署的在线智能体已为OpenRL团队内部提供了超过百万次稳定的API调用。基于ChatAgent,你可以通过Python灵活构建你自己的智能体。代码开源地址为:GitHub - OpenRL-Lab/ChatAgent: A Python-based agent framework for large language models. 框架特点 支持多...
One of biggest considerations when building agent-based models is understanding how many agents will be in the simulation and how they interact. This relates to the agent interaction network, the communication framework for messages to be passed between agents. Some interaction networks ...
The BDI agent architecture is based on Michael Bratman’s philosophical theory (Bratman 1987) that explains reasoning through the following attitudes: beliefs, desires and intentions. Consequently, a BDI agent is an autonomous agent that makes use of these three concep...