Agent-based systems typicallyinvolve a single LLM model that acts as an agent, performing multiple ...
What is agent-based modeling example? There are many possible examples of agent-based modeling. One example can be seen in the development of self-driving cars. These vehicles use a combination of sensors, internal memory, and pre-programmed rules to create an internal model of their environment...
AI, you are provided with a previous summary of interactions between the system, user, and assistant, as well as additional conversations that were not included in the original summary. If the previous summary is empty, your task is to create a summary based solely on the new interactions. P...
类似于action-based agent,探索手段包括上网搜索(融合RAG research engine)、翻书(知识图谱)、与别人讨论(LOM、multi-agent);三是获得知识后是否更加确定,若是则继续decode,若否则进一步探索。
MetaGPT是一种创新的多智能体协作框架,其名字来源于“GPT-based Meta-Programming framework”,旨在通过分配不同的角色给生成式预训练变换器(GPTs),形成一个协作的软件实体以完成复杂任务。 多智能体协作:MetaGPT的核心在于其多智能体协作的框架设计,每个GPT模型都被赋予特定的角色和任务,通过协作解决复杂问题,从而提...
The Universal Device Detection library will parse any User Agent and detect the browser, operating system, device used (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv, cars, console, etc.), brand and model. - GitHub - matomo-org/device-detector: The Universal Device Detec
In an agent-based model, agents may represent individuals like, for example, workers, business unit managers or board members of a firm or, in other contexts, for example, consumers or family members. They may also represent a group of individuals. For example, it might be appropriate to re...
ARCADE: Agent-based model of heterogeneous cell populations in dynamic microenvironments - bagherilab/ARCADE
Mohibullah has expanded the Bayesian model27 and created an agent-based model using different strategies which also accounts for the fact that the LP has an internal state that evolves over time as it is moving, that is, the LP can become fatigued28. In order to evaluate the model, the ...
Agent-Based Models (ABMs) are used in several fields to study the evolution of complex systems from micro-level assumptions. However, a significant drawback of ABMs is their inability to estimate agent-specific (or “micro”) variables, which hinders the