MASS media & politicsLOCAL mass mediaPOLITICAL communicationThis article contributes to the literature on political agenda-setting on social media in the local context. Using interviews with local politicians in northern Norway, we discuss local politicians' use of social media for agen...
The agenda setting definition is mainstream media using their influence to sway the importance of topics on the public agenda. The media often has the power to shape the public's perception of events. In politics, the agenda definition is the goals and objectives that an organization or ...
内容提示: RESEARCH Open AccessThe politics of agenda setting at the globallevel: key informant interviews regarding theInternational Labour Organization Decent WorkAgendaErica Di Ruggiero 1* , Joanna E Cohen 2 and Donald C Cole 3AbstractBackground: Global labour markets continue to undergo significant...
(1997), Still the Politics of Compromise? Agenda Setting Strategy in Sweden, Scandinavian Pol- itical Studies, Vol.20, No.2, pp.159-177.Hinnfors, Jonas. 1997. "Still the Politics of Compromise? Agenda Setting Strategy in Sweden", Scandinavian Political Studies, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp.159...
Throughout the report examples of how state corporate mechanisms are still evident for social organisations' expansion, legitimacy and credibility in China are given. It further shows that the growth of societal corporate mechanism that target combating climate change is gaining a stronger foothold and...
Images of political leaders among the public afford examples of attribute agenda setting (McCombs, 2014). In the 1994 mayoral election in Taipei, Taiwan, the correlations ranged from +0.59 to +0.78 for six comparisons between voters' images of the three candidates – their attribute agenda – ...
Lastly, the delegation emphasized the importance of protecting the last-in, first-out (LIFO) inventory accounting method, which JA said is considered by lawmakers to be an “attractive revenue-raising option” and that a repeal would deal a “potentially fatal blow” to companies in the jewelry...
Indeed, the entirety of the Platonic corpus can be viewed as a series of examples of and commentaries upon these tasks. In Book 6 of the Republic, in a section that is often skimmed in the rush to get to those sections (the Divided Line and the Allegory of the Cave) more in line ...
agenda settinganti-totalitarianismIn this contribution, we focus on the efforts dedicated to creating a 'European' memory culture, particularly since EU enlargement in 2004. Based upon analytical premises of neo-institutionalist world society studies, we interpret memory politics as a project that is ...
the whole of a particular group or the whole world, comprehensive, complete; widely occurring or existing, prevalent overall.” We define universal as a proposition about an object asserting the presence of the object in every setting at any point in time or relevance of the object for every ...