The Digital Agenda for Europe recently adopted by the European Commission aims to define the key enabling role that the use of information and communication technologies ("ICT") will have to play in order to achieve the goals set by the Europe 2020 Strategy. It outlines policies and actions ...
All data retrieved from Eurostat datasets: (accessed on 5 January 2021). Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. References Treaty of Lisbon Amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty Establishing the European Commun...
Mensaje de Javier Milei a Mauricio Macri y al PRO: “O vamos juntos en todos lados o vamos separados; trampas al electorado, no” El Presidente concedió una extensa entrevista y habló de la relación de La Libertad Avanza ...
Mais de um milhão de espectadores já desfrutaram e aclamaram a produção Strauss Festival Orchestra por toda a Europa. Integrada por professores e solistas com a mais elevada qualificação musical e profissional, a Strauss Festival Orchestra soube manter vivas as expressões ...
Digital twins for assessing the performance of cobots The performance evaluation approach or method could be also an important topic in the study of cobots. As a comple- mentary technology, which is largely addressed in the Indus- try 4.0 context, the Digital Twins could be mentioned. Digital ...
Somos el mejor sistema de agendamiento para grandes centros médicos, clínicas y hospitales. Contáctanos +0Centros en Latam y Europa +0 de pacientes al mes +0Años de experiencia Beneficios Mejora el desempeño de tu centro de salud ...