In this study is analyzed the Objective 16 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The ODS 16 proposes the achievement of twelve goals that can be grouped into three sub-goals: promotion of "peaceful societies", "facilitating access to justice for all" and promo...
Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the global development reference to tackle the most pressing issues in contemporary societies. However, the limited progress made toward them motivates discussions about the best means to produce effective change in the next decade. In this...
COVID-I9 Y AGENDA 2030: EL PROGRESO DE LOS ODS 8 Y 13 EN LOS PASES LATINOAMERICANOS MIEMBROS DE LA OCDEdoi:10.18601/16578651.n35.05SUSTAINABLE Development Goals (United Nations)COVID-19 pandemicSUSTAINABLE developmentREGULATORY complianceCOVID-19...
However, as it is a potential economic instrument, it is necessary that methods linked to criteria and indicators are clearly studied and chosen, in accordance with the multiple proposed objectives and in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. The...
PARTICIPAO FEMININA NA RENOVAO DE ESPAOS URBANOS NO BRASIL: UMA ANLISE DO ODS 11 DA AGENDA 2030 SOB A PERSPECTIVA DE GNEROdoi:10.12957/rdc.2023.67611Objective: This article examines the renovation of urban spaces proposed in SDG 11 of the UN 2030 Agenda with a...
Adaptaciones al Subsistema Nacional de Evaluación de Costa Rica a partir de los ODS. Cuad. Del CLAEH 2020, 112, 77–90. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Spinazzola, M. 2030 Agenda Mainstreaming and Its Influence on Departmental Policies. 2020. Available online:
5.2. The Role of Russia in the Development of the LNG Industry Russia has significant resource potential to develop LNG plants with a prospect to reach 140–160 mln t production capacity by 2030 (20% of the global market). Such intensive growth can be driven by limited prospects in the ...