Agencies target elder abuse: Law enforcement, state agency to join forces for effortGEORGE GANNON
摘要: There are some things that Commonwealth agencies can do to prepare for the PPS Act. This discussion is not intended to be exhaustive or particular to any situation and appropriate advice should be taken to deal with the particular circumstances....
South Texas Veterans Health Care System, San Antonio, TX This project, funded by NIJ, examined the role of state agencies in detecting, investigating, resolving, and preventing elder abuse in residential care and assisted living facilities (RCFs).We sought to identify "smart practices" and ...
Elder abuse up in state ; Funding falls short for service agencies REGIONJennifer Fenn Lefferts
The survey provided data on the structure of those agency activities which are intended to prevent elder abuse and on the perceptions of key decision makers with regard to the status of current efforts to prevent abuse. In addition, relationships between the population characteristics of planning ...
SUBSTANCE abuseABUSE of older peopleVICTIM psychologySOCIAL workersRESEARCH fundingINCOMEGOVERNMENT agenciesVictims' low income and perpetrators' alcohol/substance abuse problems should be considered as factors associated with elder re-abuse. This study provides additional knowledge on elder re-abuse and ...