b : having attained a specified age a man aged 40 years 2 : typical of old age the aged wrinkles in my cheeks Shakespeare 3 : having acquired a desirable quality or undergone an expected and desired change with the passage of time aged wine aged cheese aged...
酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“石桥陈年雷司令干白葡萄酒(Stone Bridge Aged Riesling, Gisborne, New Zealand) ”的酒款综述 此酒散发着蜜水果和成熟柠檬的香气,酒体适中,口感新鲜而爽脆,有浓郁的葡萄柚风味,是一款复杂的美酒。 猜你喜欢 2022年湖道酒庄灰皮诺白葡萄酒 新西兰 » 吉斯本|湖道酒庄 灰皮诺100% 【SK...
关于“莫顿老窖梅洛马尔贝克干红葡萄酒(Morton Estate Cellar Aged Merlot Malbec, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand) ”的酒款综述 此款酒来自新西兰莫顿酒庄,选用梅洛与马尔贝克混酿,带有李子、橡木、黑色水果、香料、香草、雪松的风味,口感复杂,丰富。 本酒款酒庄资料ABOUT WINERY ...
葡萄酒类型:白葡萄酒 酿酒葡萄:雷司令 产区:新西兰 New Zealand>吉斯本 Gisborne 酒庄:石桥酒庄 石桥酒庄资料ABOUT WINERY 酒庄名称: 石桥酒庄(Stone Bridge) 酒庄网址: www.stonebridgewines.com.au 主要葡萄品种: 西拉(Shiraz)和雷司令(Riesling) 电话:
As with those, not much is known about the company that made this one, except that it hails from west-central Portugal south of Porto; it was a wine wholesesaler and importer that also dealt in brandies and sparkling wines, and the“manufacture of prepared and unprepared spirits” (the Po...
酒款综述 这是一款来自澳大利亚新南威尔士州产区的加强酒,该款特选陈年茶色波特风格加强酒由天瑞酒庄出品,采用西拉和歌海娜酿造而成,至少在小橡木桶内陈酿5年以上。该酒充满葡萄干的浓郁香气,口感平衡,果味丰富,余味悠长。红酒世界APP 红酒知识大全,拍酒标查红酒 下载...
and most of the local rum was either consumed domestically or in Portugal (wine was actually much more popular and commonly made). In other words, though rum has a long pedigree on Madeira, the emergence of the rum (and local rum brands internationally) as an economic force and a serious...
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关于“莫顿老窖梅洛干红葡萄酒(Morton Estate Cellar Aged Merlot, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand) ”的酒款综述 此款酒来自新西兰莫顿酒庄,选用梅洛酿制,呈深紫色,带有李子、黑莓、紫罗兰、香草和少许干迷迭香的风味,单宁成熟,口感平衡。 本酒款酒庄资料ABOUT WINERY ...
关于“金凯福酒庄橡木桶陈年长相思白葡萄酒(Kim Crawford Wines Oak Aged Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough, New Zealand) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自新西兰马尔堡的白葡萄酒,采用长相思酿造而成。该酒香气精致,散发着橡木、香豌豆、黄花和荨麻的香气,酒体适中,酸度适中,夹杂着苹果、猕猴桃和杏干的风味,回味和谐。