live out one´s life in retirement养老; Yanglao[医]养老; 词组短语 养老保险the aged insurance; endowment insurance 养老抚恤金计划pension plan 养老基金pension funds 养老事业old-age care 基本养老保险basic old-age insurance system; basic pension plans ...
First, it is important to understand the age care policy in Australia. There are four different components to this policy: the old-aged pension system, pursuit of the aging-in-place policy, self-funded services and supports, and residential and frail aged care. The aged care policy in ...
17.To Establish a New Retirement Pattern in Cities: Discuss Society-family and Three-society System创设城市养老新模式——论社家养老与三社体系 18.Research on the Fund-raising Model of Chinese Rural Social Pension System;我国农村社会养老保险筹资模式研究 相关短句/例句 pension model养老模式 1.Beginning...
f. Interacting with national pension age. Extended Data Fig. 3 Bubble plot with fitted meta regression line of the effect size for four outcomes and the prevalence of hobby engagement. N study = 16. Data are presented as fixed effects coefficients (bubbles), 95% confidence intervals (shaded ...
at a set percentage of the price for each service type. The Government will pay the remainder of the price or cost as a subsidy to the provider. The amount an individual contributes will be based on the type of service received and the individual’s age-pension status, means and Commonweal...
Staff reporter HOU RUILI reports on a new system of unified management of retirement pension and the old-age insurance schemes being tried out in China.WHEN 57-YEAR-OLD Cong Fengqi, a retired cadre,... 请您先登录!GO TO TOP 5 chegongzhuang Xilu, P.O.Box 399-T, Beijing, China, ...
Another survey shows that 90 percent of the retied in cities haveretirement5pension and their own houses, with no need for their children's support. However, what they need have changed from material wellbeing to the mental requirements. They want not only to see their children regularly, but...
pension reformsBy increasing the residual working horizon of employed individuals, pension reforms that rise minimum retirement age can affect individual investment in health-promoting behaviors before retirement. Using the expected increase in minimum retirement age induced by a 2004 Italian pension reform...
Many of those of retirement age do not have a pension or savings, and if they do, this may not be sufficient to meet their expenses. In addition to their wages or salary, the elderly may also draw an income from government welfare schemes or pensions. These can be divided into two cate...
Pension福利金 Pensionable Age福利金领取年龄 Pensioner Concession Card福利金领取者优惠卡 Personal care worker个人照顾工作者 Personal circumstances个人情况 Personal alarm个人警报器 Personal care个人照顾 Personal care plan个人照顾计划 Personal circumstance个人情况 Personal independence个人独立性 Personal information个...