step-parent of a childaged3–16andresiding in Estonia and having a moderate, severe or profound disability or of a childaged16–18andhaving a severe or profound disability if such parent or step-parent resides in Estonia and is not employed and does not receive a national pension, and for...
Sensitivity analysis, removing trials with high attrition rates or low quality ratings [37, 40], did not alter the effect (SMD = 0.18, 95% CI = 0.07 to 0.29, I 2 = 52%). Interventions also had a positive effect on PA duration at 12 months when measured on a dichotomous scale (...
Unlike in Western countries like Australia, traditional Asian cultures place a heavy emphasis on filial piety—the expectation children will support their parents in old age. Historically, filial piety played an important role when families were large, pension schemes unavailable and life expectancy was...
Currently in Australia the demand for long-term residential care for people unable to live independently translates to 830 government approved residential aged care providers, delivering care to 143,117 residents [1] in residential facilities (or nursing homes [2]). Because people are delaying entry...
Interventions had a significant small positive effect on PA duration at 12 months when measured on a continuous scale (Figure3: SMD = 0.19, 95% CI = 0.10 to 0.28;I2= 41%, 95% CI = 0 to 74). Sensitivity analysis, removing trials with high attrition rates or low quality ratings [37,... Meanwhile, for normal women (non pregnancy aged between 15 and 44 years old) in the provinces/municipalities and in the [...] 同时,各省/市和工厂的普通妇女(15 岁至 44 岁的未怀孕妇女),首次接 种破伤风疫苗:402 674 剂,占总人数 14.7%;第二...
Educational attainment is measured by years of schooling, and pension receipt status is coded as 1 if the respondent receives pensions and 0 otherwise. Given that most respondents have social medical insurance with low individual contribution rates, the influence of insurance participation on labor ...
In addition to health-related lifestyle, economic level, and cognitive level, education also affected the depression of the elderly sample through other factors, which may include dietary nutrition, sleep quality, social support, and medical and pension insurance [46]. In addition, no significant ...