Patient choiceHealthcare fundingPatient care servicesdoi:10.1108/ijhcqa.2007.06220cab.008MCB UP LtdInternational Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance
In February 2019, the Australian Government’s Department of Health releasedActions to Support LGBTI Elders: a Guide for Aged Care Providers- a guide for aged care providers onhow to care for LGBTIQ+ older people. The guide is an action plan intended to be used by aged care service provide...
The members of the steering group include the research team, representatives from five aged care providers providing services across five states and territories (South Australia (SA), New South Wales (NSW), Victoria (VIC), Tasmania (TAS), Australian Capital Territory (ACT)), consumer ...
Energy Saver Aged-Care Toolkit; New South Wales Government: Sydney, Australia, 2014; p. 36. Vikstrom, A.; Boyle, R.; Harkness, S.; Hargraves, J.; McKinnon, A. Summary of Energy Audits (Level 2)—Aged Care Facilities; Tasmania Government: Hobart, Australia, 2015; Volume 7000. Yigit...
This includes $200.1 million to introduce a new star rating system to provide senior Australians, their families, and carers with information to make comparisons on quality and safety performance of aged care providers; $74.8 million for the Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service and the ...
A subsequent report stated that the Climate Health WA Inquiry found a number of healthcare service providers had begun to build sustainability practices into their procurement processes, but identified the need to provide more education and training to staff around why sustainable procurement is ...
Data extraction was supplemented with key components: rationale, materials, procedures (activities), providers, delivery, timing, tailoring, modifications, and planning. Data analysis drew on the principles of a realist synthesis for each school gardening intervention. This consisted of identifying the ...
only into the performance of aged care providers, but will also assist in informing and potentially enhancing the medication health literacy of care recipients and their family members or representatives. Supplementary Materials The following supporting information can be downloaded at:https://www.mdpi....