Aged Care and Village news. Catch up on exciting news and events from VCare Aged Care Software, Care Plans, Progress Notes, Admissions and more!
The aged care sector is crucial in supporting older Australians, yet staffing shortages remain a significant challenge, particularly in rural… Read More » News NCA Newswire and Stefanie SchultzFebruary 13, 2025 “Vile, dehumanising and unacceptable”: NSW Health employees investigated for antisemiti...
The new Aged Care Bill 2023 includes substantial increases in penalties, including heightened fines and the possibility of up to five years in prison for individuals convicted of the most severe offences. If passed into legislation, the new Aged Care Bill 2023 is expected to exacerbate the strain...
The mandate for aged care facilities to have a registered nurse on site around the clock kicks in this July and Datacom's Health Director Pauline Soo says attention now needs to turn to new ways of supporting staff and easing growing pressures.
Commonwealth Department of Employment projections show that health care and social assistance is the fastest growing industry in Australia, which are expected to add a quarter of a million jobs by 2023. "There is much work to done if today's young people are to be equipped to fill the skille...
Aged Care Group Back on TrackKILLARNEY Memorial Aged Care (KMAC) chairman David Thomson announced the organisation's first profit in four years at its annual general meeting last week.Daily News (Warwick, Australia)
Care International said in its recent report that currently 80 percent of school-aged Afghan girls and young women are deprived of education in Afghanistan. The report has it that Afghanistan is the only country in the world to put a ban on girls’ and women’s access to education, which ...
The new Aged Care Act, effective from July 1, 2025, is set to introduce significant operational, compliance, and insurable risk challenges. A major change will be the introduction of the concept of Associated Providers, which will redefine relationships
实习Aged care,收获满满! 时光荏苒,转眼间第一次实习已经结束,现在开始回顾这段时光,真是感慨万千。那段时间虽然忙碌,但收获满满。 📅 实习时间:四周,每天从早上7点到下午3点。 📍 地点:位于北边某个Aged care机构的一个小分部。 📝 任务分配:我给自己设定了每周的学习目标,以激励自己。第一周,我熟悉了所...
"With an ageing population and an increase in the instances of preventable health conditions, there is a strong economic rationale to invest in health research, particularly in the area of preventative healthcare," Mavisakalyan said. As of the beginning of 2018, the healthcare industry was Austra...