The Bill provides for a new Support at Home program (Support at Home) which will replace and amalgamate the Home Care Packages Program (HCP) and Short-Term Restorative Care Programme (STRC). The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) will also transition into Support at Home no earlier th...
8. (often cap.) a particular period of history; a historical epoch: the Periclean Age. 9. Usu., ages. a long period of time: You've been away for ages. 10. the average life expectancy of an individual or the individuals of a class or species: The age of a horse is from 25 to...
21,24-26 Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a powerful means to quantify white matter integrity in the brain and its various factors.27 Parameters of DTI include fractional anisotropy (FA) and radial diffusivity (RD), scalar values associated with microstructural organization (eg, bundling, packing...
The molecular signatures of cells in the brain have been revealed in unprecedented detail, yet the ageing-associated genome-wide expression changes that may contribute to neurovascular dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases remain elusive. Here, we re
Blood Pressure Control in Hypertensive Women Aged 65 Years or Older in a Primary Care Setting. MERICAP Study. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2011;64(8):654-60.Llisterri J L,Barrios V,dela Sierra A,et al.Blood pressure control in hypertensive women aged 65years or older in a primary care set- ting...
Opportunities and Challenges in 2023Advances in Parenteral NutritionAdvances in Sport and Performance NutritionAdvances in Sports NutritionAdvances of Parenteral NutritionAgeing and Nutrition through LifespanAlcohol and HealthAmino Acid Nutrition and Metabolism in Health and DiseaseAnthropometry, Body Composition ...