A pay-cutting decision by the Australian Industrial Relations Commission has highlighted the need for aged care nurses to negotiate Enterprise agreements with employers. The Nurses Award 2010 has replaced different state-based pay rates with nationwide ...
35). Between-country comparisons found greater hobby engagement rates in more affluent countries. Differences in hobby participation are thus concerning, because they could contribute to or exacerbate health inequalities both within and between countries. As a result, in working to capitalize on the ...
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limits on digital media use (“screen time”), citing cognitive-behavioral risks. Media use in early childhood is ubiquitous, though few imaging-based studies have been conducted to quantify impacts on brain
I was honored to be asked to help plan the recent EMF Conference to train health care providers to recognize, diagnose, treat and prevent illnesses from wireless technology. The impact on brain development was widely discussed.Dr. Victoria Dunkley, author of Reset Your Child's Brain, lectured ...
Socioeconomic inequalities in cardiovascular (CVD) health outcomes are well documented. While Russia has one of the highest levels of CVD mortality in the world, the literature on contemporary socio-economic inequalities in biomarker CVD risk factors is
We chose not to use a random intercept cross-lagged panel model because emotional reactivity and use of devices for calming would be expected to vary at different rates among children over time. The full information maximum likelihood method, which uses all available data, was used because it ...
First, this model is associated with low overall mortality and higher long-term survival rates than other models, making it a preferred model in aged animals which are more susceptible to complications including increases in intracranial pressure (ICP) associated with edema and hemorrhagic ...
We observed a significant decrease in both maximum and average growth rates in aged mice (Fig. 3e,f). After 21 days, however, the final length of extension achieved and total process length (from soma to process terminus) was not statistically different between age groups (Fig. 3g,h). An...
Tetrachoric Twin Correlations and Probandwise Concordance Rates for the Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) Phenotype by Zygosity, Sex, and Case Definitiona View LargeDownload Table 3. Model Fit Statistics for Models With Quantitative Sex Limitation and Nested Models by Case Definitiona,...