I was sorry to read that you are unhappy about the Claremont Centre in Rugby. Here at Age UK, the national charity in London, we work with around 120 local Age UKs around the country who share our brand, but run as independent charities. This centre is run by Age UK Coventry & ...
Centre for Life and Sport Sciences (CLaSS), Faculty of Health, Education and Life Sciences, Birmingham City University, Birmingham B15 3TN, West Midlands, UK 2 Warwickshire County Cricket Club, Birmingham B15 3TN, West Midlands, UK 3
Alice Hovorka, Henk de Zeeuw, and Mary Njenga (eds.), Women Feeding Cities: Mainstreaming Gender in Urban Agriculture and Food Security: RUAF Foundation, a CD. Hardcover, Practical Action Publishing, Burton on Dunsmore, Rugby, Warwickshire, UK, April 2009, 370 pp, ISBN 978-1-8533-9685-4...