Present address: Present address: Department for Archaeogenetics, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Kahlaische Strasse 10, 07745 Jena, Germany, Pirita Paajanen Present address: Present address: The Genome Analysis Centre, Norwich Research Park, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK, Authors...
Priory Yard Baptists Norwich 63 Where intermediate age categories were used (eg, 10–13 years), or some individuals within the cemetery fell into a nominal class (ie, adult, infant, child), they were divided and apportioned into refined age categories. The number placed in each category usi...
This proposed JAR-66 compliant degree, jointly delivered by Kingston University and KLM UK Engineering, Norwich, will ensure that a stream of quality young people receive the best possible funded education and enter the aircraft maintenance engineering profession. It will raise the prestige of the ...
School of Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK Morag Farquhar Primary Care Unit, Department of Public Health & Primary Cambridge, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Stephen Barclay Consortia on behalf of the Cambridge City over-75s Cohort (CC75C) study Kieran Allinson , ...
In this Article, to address these gaps, we systematically investigated combined predictors of social cognition in older individuals through a multicentric computational approach (Fig.1a). We sought to determine whether the traditional effects of age (Fig.1b) and patient–control differences (Fig.1c...
As CATT was undertaken in the USA, to allow more conservative assumptions in case the injection rate is lower in the UK, we assume the injection rate to be 10 injections over 2 years in our control group, with an SD of 7 (based on INTREPID data which showed the SD was 69% of the ...
In 1868, theCongrès international d’anthropologie et d’archéologie préhistoriqueswas held in Norwich and London, and John Lubbock (1869) used his President’s Address to reiterate the Three Age System. Lubbock refused to admit a Copper Age, writing, ...
‘active ageing’ pursues many of the same goals as those that characterize working life, but from the perspective of consumption rather than production. It is therefore less difficult to address the needs of the active ager than to look at children and people living with dementia. The chapter...
If you experience difficulties, please convert to a plain text file and then copy and paste into the form.doi:10.1016/0169-5347(92)90256-BTimothy O'RiordanSchool of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UKTrends in Ecology & Evolution...
group(Norwich,UK)announcedin Februarythatitcouldnolongersupportthe CPGN’sMendeldatabase,buttheCPGN wishestoexpressitsgratitudetoDavidandto hisassociates,inparticularBenedictArnold, forautomatingaccessionstoMendel. Thenewreleasecontainsallprotein sequencesfromSwiss-Prot(release37)and includesthecompleteaccessionsof...