第一篇 Forget the mistake, remember the lesson 这是一个严肃的问题:我们是要避免犯错,还是要避免二次犯错 事实上,大部分都没什么试错的机会 一旦被证实为错,那可能人的天花板就会被压到最低,特别是:A,信任方面 B,财务方面 都会被无情压到最低 试错代价,其实很多人都承受不起的 别看那些成功人士回顾试错讲...
For details on the PEGI age rating system, please see thePEGI website. Rating Categories The rating category is indicated on the front of the games's packaging and suggests the suitable ages for a title. For ages 3+ For ages 7+
The age rating system has the following five rating levels: 0+ (for children of all ages) 6+ (for children older than 6 years) 12+ (for children older than 12 years) 16+ (for children older than 16 years) 18+ (not for children) ...
A ground-breaking global rating and age classification system for digitally delivered games and apps that reflects the unique cultural differences among nations and regions.Watch the Video to See How IARC Works:What People Say: “… a bold and important step forward …” Strauss Zelnick chairman ...
You are required to answer the questions accurately. As part of this process, we share your publisher display name and email address with IARC. After you complete the questionnaire, the IARC rating system will provide age and content rating information based on your responses. We’ll use ...
Based on your app’s Type, the IARC rating system will ask a series of multiple choice questions. If you answer yes, it may ask additional questions about the applicable content: After you answer all relevant questions, click the “Generate age ratings” button at the bottom. You’...
Become Pharaoh and find out today in this exciting historical RPG! USD$3.99+Offers in-app purchases + Offers in-app purchases See system requirements OverviewSystem Requirements
Name, pet, feed, teach, and dress up your falcon. Hunt with your falconVarious animals roam the land and can be hunted for materials. Craft falcon snacksFarm, hunt, and cook snacks to feed, heal and strengthen your falcon Accessorize your falconDress up your falcon with hats, scarves, ...
See System Requirements Age of Dynasties: Vikings Overview Buy Additional information Published by Andrea Testa Developed by RoboBot Studio Release date 7/19/2023 Approximate size 146.06 MB Age rating For ages 3 and up Category Role playing
Child Identity Theft - Criminals use the SSN, name, and birthdate of a minor to open accounts. WHAT ARE IDTHIEVES AFTER? It is important to keep control of any personal information that, if misplaced, could potentially give identity thieves access to your most important assets. Criminals only...