Rather than age 10–19 years, a definition of 10–24 years corresponds more closely to adolescent growth and popular understandings of this life phase and would facilitate extended investments across a broader range of settings. Introduction The word adolescence derives from the Latin adolescere—to...
awkward age (early adolescence) SC 未成熟的青春期 SC 不成熟的年纪 the Bronze Age n (period of prehistory) SC 铜器时代 tóng qì shí dài TC 銅器時代 SC 青铜时代 The fossil dates back to the Bronze Age. come of age v expr (reach adulthood) SC 满法定年龄 mǎn fǎ dìng nián ...
b.The time of life when a person becomes qualified to assume certain civil and personal rights and responsibilities, usually at 18 or 21 years; legal age:under age; of age. c.One of the stages of life:the age of adolescence; at an awkward age. ...
During the meeting Mr. Lawrence repeatedly displayed arrogance in his own perceived ability and knowledge which when probed, consistently revealed a dangerous bigotry and clear ignorance of the many legal and scientific facts salient to the MMR cases. He seemed to take delight in refuting many of ...
content: Juvenile Literature and British Society, 1850–1950 surveys British novels for and about adolescents from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century, in order to correct some mistakes the authors identify in Granville Stanley Hall's definition of adolescence as a predominately outlaw ...
suburban families began to use forms ofcreditto purchase consumer goods such as cars, home appliances, and television sets. Many boomers became dissatisfied with this ethos and the consumer culture associated with it as they approached adolescence. This fueled the youth counterculture movement of the...
A general pattern of progression from oral sex with men to both receptive and insertive anal sex with men appeared to characterize the sample during their adolescence. Further, there appeared to be a high degree of "versatile" positioning among the sexually active gay and bisexual young men, in...
Assays were optimized over a dilution curve, to ensure selection of a dilution within the linear range of the assays. A 1:200 dilution was selected to maximize the dynamic range across control samples and to capture the AUC for the full range of dilutions tested. Diluted serum samples were ...
The different stages of puberty for boys, including when the end of puberty occurs The physical signs that your boy is in puberty, including the Tanner stages of development The average age and progression of physical changes associated with growing during adolescence ...
In a separate study we have shown that no screen at any age group identifies all or even most autism cases suggesting that autism screening should be conducted continuously at different ages during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood [45]. Digital behavioral measures, e.g., visual gaze, may ...