Data from the Italian, Spanish, and American standardisation samples of the WPPSI and the WISC-R were analysed in the present study for testing the ADH. No changes in the proportion of variance associated with g in the 4鈥 16 age range were found. This pattern does not change depending on...
Method Each child was administered ten subtests of the Wechs- ler Intelligence Test for Children (WISC), the Bender Gestalt Test and the Wide Range Reading and Spell- ing Achievement Test. In addition, observations were recorded regarding speech articulation and complexity of grammar. The number ...
Measures included a short form of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Revised (WISC—R), the Wide Range Achievement Test—Revised, and the Child Behavior Checklist. Outcomes were less favorable for the postmeningitis (PMG) children with complications than for either PMG children without ...
with stable chairs that can be adjusted for a wide range of heights, child-sized desks, or chinrests that can restrain the head. It is recommended to invite children of each age group to evaluate all the experimental protocols at the design stage. Magnetic Resonance ImagingA scanning time fo...
Importantly for the aim of the current study, the effect of correcting for prematurity on executive function scores was found to be largely the same across the whole age range of the study cohort (ie, 7 years, 10 months to 13 years, 2 months). This implicates that age correction in the...
At 8;5 years, n = 1326 children (gestation range: 23–41 weeks) were assessed with the K-ABC and a Mathematics Test. Results: Cognitive scores of preterm children decreased as cognitive workload demands of tasks increased. The relationship between gestation and task work...
Cognitive functioning across the intellectual, academic, and perceptual-motor domains fell within the low-average range, while memory abilities fell within the average range. DSM-5 clinical diagnoses were provided for 14 (56%) children: Intellectual Disability-Mild (20%), Learning Disability (20%)...
Twenty-five white children in the bright normal range of intelligence were administered both the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R). The mean values for the normally obtained mental age (MA) and adjusted MA were then compared to the...
We determined intelligence (WISC-III-NL), attention (Test of Everyday Attention in Children), and verbal memory (Auditory Verbal Learning Test).Results: We included 28 children (18 boys, 10 girls), median gestational age 29 weeks (range 25-40) and birth weight 1355 grams (880-3810). ...
We did so to do justice to the variabil ity in the motor skills of the group of children below the 1st percentile who, while showing a wide range of raw total motor scores, could not be differentiated on the basis of the percentiles. Where appropriate, we used the Mann-Whitney U-...