各位知友大家好,我是环湖医院的飞时过,昨天有大学的老师问我Age-period-cohort(APC) analysis怎么做,我之前有一些印象但是没有系统研究过,正好用它给统计分析开个好头,一起学习:APC它的算法原理首先需要明白的是这种算法是针对时间这个维度进行了精雕细琢,它把时间维度进行了针对性的分解,分解为年龄效应,时期效应和...
APC (Age-Period-Cohort) 模型通常更适合研究慢性疾病,例如癌症,其发病机制和病程都与年龄、时期和出生...
Age-period-cohort (APC) analysis has a long, controversial history in sociology and related fields. Despite the existence of hundreds, if not thousands, of articles and dozens of books, there is little agreement on how to adequately analyze APC data. This article begins with a brief overview ...
Age-Period-Cohort Analysis: New Models, Methods, and Empirical Applications is based on a decade of the authors' collaborative work in age-period-cohort (APC) analysis. Within a single, consistent HAPC-GLMM statistical modeling framework, the authors synthesize APC models and methods for three re...
Age and survey year data were used to generate the variables for age-period-cohort analysis. Age period cohort analyses were performed using R language 4.3.1. The APCtools R package created by Alexander Bauer et al. was utilized, which includes cutting-edge descriptive visualizations as well as...
cohort effects while also accounting for age and period effects. As such, it is primarily useful for 2 readers interested in studying cohort effects within an APC framework. The approach yields two strategies for identifying cohort effects, each based on explicit and testable assumptions. ...
Age-period-cohort (APC) analysis was used to evaluate the effects of age, period and cohort on the disease rate outcomes. Age effects indicate the different risks of different outcomes during different periods of life; period effects reflect population-wide exposure at a circumscribed point in tim...
The tutorial is based on R and StatsNotebook, a graphical interface for R. Visit our Analysis section for other tutorials. Epidemiologists and social scientists often apply Age-Period-Cohort analysis to disentangle trends of social/health behvaiors int..
Age-period-cohort (APC) analysis is a popular analytic approach in both epidemiological and sociological studies [7, 8]. Knowing the separate effects of age, period and cohort allows for a better understanding of, for example, the different risk groups based on age and generation cohort, ...
APC analysis has the following functions: (1) the net drift which assesses the annual percentage change via calculating the overall log-linear trend by cohort and period, (2) the local drifts which assesses the annual percentage changes for each age group via calculating the log-linear trend ...