© 2023 Paradox Interactive AB. Age of Wonders 4 is published by Paradox Interactive AB, developed by Triumph Studios B.V. and distributed in certain Asian countries by H2 Interactive Co., Ltd. AGE OF WONDERS, TRIUMPH STUDIOS and PARADOX INTERACTIVE are trademarks and/or registered trademarks ...
Age of Wonders 4 Premium Edition Expansion Pass 1 included Buy Age of Wonders 4: Premium Edition and gain access to the base game, the Expansion Pass, and exclusive in-game content at a discount!BUY NOW Choose Your Realm Concoct the Realm of your dreams with dozens of different traits an...
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Age of Wonders 4: Expansion Pass 1 € 49,99 Age of Wonders 4: Archmage AttireAdd-on weergeven Beschrijving Koop Age of Wonders 4: Premium Edition en krijg toegang tot Age of Wonders 4 en de Age of Wonders 4: Expansion Pass 1. De Age of Wonders 4: Expansion Pass 1 bevat de Arc...
4% 1% 5% Game and Legal Info Rule a fantasy realm of your own design in Age of Wonders 4! Explore new magical realms in Age of Wonders’ signature blend of 4X strategy and turn-based tactical combat. Control a faction that grows and changes as you expand your empire with each turn...
奇迹时代4的简介 关于这款游戏统治奇幻的世界,万般皆由你作主,尽在《Age of Wonders 4》!在《Age of Wonders》标志性的4X战略回合制战斗中探索全新的魔法世界。以回合为单位扩展你的帝国,让你的派系不断发展,不断壮大 Triumph Studios屡获殊荣的战略系列已经进入了一个新的时代,这个系列游戏标志性的帝国建设、...
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