The rock quarried away from the Sphinx was used in the adjacent pyramids and other structures. The face of the Sphinx is generally agreed to depict Khafra, the pharaoh who built the second largest of the three great pyramids, and son of Khufu, who built the largest. It's also useful to...
Scrat eventually trips and starts bumping between the sphere and the solid outer core, creating a Scrat-like Moai, a Scrat Sphinx (which loses its nose when it falls off), and 4 Scrat faces on Mount Rushmore. Scrat later picks up balance and grabs his acorn, but ends up spinning in ...
Hinduism links morality with a bull, known as Dharma. The tradition explains that in the first age, the Satya Yuga, the bull had four legs; in each successive age, morality declined, each age taking one leg of the animal: the bull today therefore has only one leg...